Precision measurement of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in a fluid
J. N. Munday and Federico Capasso
Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Comm.), 75, 60102 (2007) PDF

Observation of negative group delays within a coaxial photonic crystal using an impulse response method
J. N. Munday and W. M. Robertson
Optics Comm., 273, 32 (2007) PDF

Casimir Forces and Quantum Electrodynamical Torques: Physics and Nanomechanics
Federico Capasso, Jeremy N. Munday, Davide Iannuzzi and H. B. Chan
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 13, 400 (2007) PDF

Stable Suspension and Dispersion-Induced Transitions from Repulsive Casimir Forces Between Fluid-Separated Eccentric Cylinders
Alejandro W. Rodriguez, J. N. Munday, J. D. Joannopoulos, Federico Capasso, Diego A. R. Dalvit, and Steven G. Johnson
Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 190404 (2008) PDF

Measurements of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in fluids: The effect of electrostatic forces and Debye screening
J. N. Munday, Federico Capasso, V. Adrian Parsegian, and Sergey M. Bezrukov
Phys. Rev. A, 78, 032109 (2008) PDF

Measured long-range repulsive Casimir-Lifshitz forces
J. N. Munday, Federico Capasso, and V. Adrian Parsegian
Nature, 457, 170 (2009) PDF

How much can guided modes enhance absorption in thin solar cells?
Peter N. Saeta, Vivian E. Ferry, Domenico Pacifici, Jeremy N. Munday, and Harry A. Atwater
Opt. Express, 17, 20975 (2009) PDF

Repulsive Casimir and van der Waals forces: from measurements to future technologies
J. N. Munday and Federico Capasso
Inter. J. of Mod. Phys. A, 25, 2252 (2010) PDF

Design Considerations for Plasmonic Photovoltaics
Vivian E. Ferry, J. N. Munday, and Harry A. Atwater
Adv. Mat., 22, 4794 (2010) PDF

Light absorption enhancement in thin film solar cells using whispering gallery modes in dielectric nanospheres
J.Grandidier, D. M. Callahan, J. N. Munday and Harry A. Atwater
Adv. Mat. (Cover), 23, 1272-1276 (2011) PDF

Large integrated absorption enhancement in plasmonic solar cells by combining metallic gratings and antireflection coatings
J.N. Munday and Harry A. Atwater
Nano Lett. (Cover), 11, 2195 2201 (2011) PDF

The effect of photonic bandgap materials on the Shockley-Queisser limit
Jeremy N. Munday
J. of Appl. Phys., 112, 064501 (2012) PDF

Solar Cell Light Trapping beyond the Ray Optic Limit
D. M. Callahan, J. N. Munday and Harry A. Atwater
Nano Lett., 12, 214-218 (2012) PDF

Light trapping beyond the 4n^2 limit in thin waveguides
Jeremy N. Munday, Dennis M. Callahan, and Harry A. Atwater
Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 121121 (2012) PDF

Gallium arsenide solar cell absorption enhancement using whispering gallery modes of dielectric nanospheres
J. Grandidier, D. M. Callahan, J. N. Munday and H. A. Atwater
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2, 123-128 (2012) PDF

Biological Templates for Anti Reflective Current Collectors for Photoelectrochemical Cell Applications
Chia-Ying Chiang, Jillian Epstein, Adam Brown, Jeremy Munday, James Culver, Sheryl Ehrman
Nano Lett., 12, 6005–6011 (2012) PDF

Towards an optimized all lattice-matched InAlAs/InGaAsP/InGaAs multijunction solar cell with efficiency >50%
Marina S. Leite, Robyn L. Woo, Jeremy N. Munday, William D. Hong, Shoghig Mesropian, Daniel C. Law, and Harry A. Atwater
Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 033901 (2013) PDF

Optical haze of transparent and conductive silver nanowire films
Colin Preston, Yunlu Xu, Xiaogang Han, Jeremy N. Munday, Liangbing Hu
Nano Res., 6, 461-468 (2013) PDF

Silver nanowire transparent conducting paper-based electrode with high optical haze
Colin Preston, Zhiqiang Fang, Joseph Murray, Hongli Zhu, Jiaqi Dai, Jeremy N. Munday and Liangbing Hu
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2, 1248-1254 (2014) PDF

Photonic structured solar cells to enhance current and voltage
Jeremy Munday
SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201405.005471 PDF