Jeremy Munday elected fellow of SPIE
Jeremy is elected as a fellow of the international society for optics and photonics (SPIE). More info can be found here.

Read our latest article, “Thermoradiative Photovoltaics“, published in and featured on the Cover of Optics and Photonics News!
Read our latest article, “Thermoradiative Photovoltaics“, published in and featured on the cover of the November 2024 issue of Optics and Photonics News! Also highlighted in the UC Davis College of Engineering news!

Read Benjamin Spreng’s latest work, titled “Casimir repulsion with biased semiconductors“, published in and featured on the front cover of Optica Quantum.
Read Benjamin Spreng’s latest work, titled “Casimir repulsion with biased semiconductors“, published in and featured on the front cover of Optica Quantum.

Jeremy presents an invited talk at the 2023 Fall MRS meeting about tailored thermal emission for cooling and power generation.
The 2023 Fall MRS meeting website can be found here!

Munday Lab awarded COE Next Level Research Award for high efficiency thermophotovoltaics.
Munday Lab awarded COE Next Level Research Award for high efficiency thermophotovoltaics: https://engineering.ucdavis.edu/next-level-research-awards#project2

Read Tao Gong’s latest work, titled “Broadband Superabsorber Operating at 1500 C Using Dielectric Bilayers“, published in and featured on the front cover of ACS Applied Optical Materials.
Read Tao Gong’s latest work, titled “Broadband Superabsorber Operating at 1500 C Using Dielectric Bilayers“, published in and featured on the front cover of ACS Applied Optical Materials.

Prof. Munday discusses climate change and white paint in the Sacramento Bee.
The Sacramento Bee article can be found here!

Jeremy appears on San Francisco's ABC 7 to discuss how white paint can help with climate change.
Interview begins around 11:36 in the following link: https://abc7news.com/13499674/

Jeremy is quoted in the New York Times: To Help Cool a Hot Planet, the Whitest of White Coats.
The New York Times article can be found here!

Jeremy gives invited talk about manipulating the Casimir effect at PIERS.
The PIERS conference website can be found here.

New paper out in collaboration with Nader Engheta and Iñigo Liberal, published in APS Physical Review Letters!
New paper out in collaboration with Nader Engheta and Iñigo Liberal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 196901 (2023) - Effect of Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes on the Casimir Interaction between Ultrathin Films. See the corresponding Twitter post here.

Calum Shelden receives Braslau Family Travel Grant to attend APS March Meeting 2023
Congratulations to Calum for receiving the Braslau Family Travel Grant to attend the APS March Meeting 2023. Great job!

Kevin’s paper on near-zero-index materials is now featured on the inside cover of Advanced Photonics Research!
Read Kevin Palm’s latest work, titled “Achieving Scalable Near-Zero-Index Materials“, evaluating the properties of commercial near-zero-index materials and their application to devices, published in and featured on the inside front cover of Advanced Photonics Research.