Paper-Based Anti-Reflection Coatings for Photovoltaics
Dongheon Ha, Zhiqiang Fang, Liangbing Hu and Jeremy N. Munday
Adv. Energy Mater., 4, 1301804 (2014) PDF

Novel Nanostructured Paper with Ultrahigh Transparency and Ultrahigh Haze for Solar Cells
Zhiqiang Fang, Hongli Zhu, Yongbo Yuan, Dongheon Ha, Shuze Zhu, Colin Preston, Qingxia Chen, Yuanyuan Li, Xiaogang Han, Seongwoo Lee, Gang Chen, Teng Li, Jeremy Munday, Jinsong Huang, and Liangbing Hu
Nano Lett., 14, 765–773 (2014) PDF

Light trapping in a polymer solar cell by tailored quantum dot emission
Yunlu Xu and Jeremy N. Munday
Opt. Exp., 22, A259-A267 (2014) PDF

Designing Photonic Materials for Effective Bandgap Modification and Optical Concentration in Photovoltaics
Yunlu Xu and Jeremy N. Munday
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 4, 233 - 236 (2014) PDF

Approaching the limits of transparency and conductivity in graphitic materials through lithium intercalation
Wenzhong Bao, Jiayu Wan, Xiaogang Han, Xinghan Cai, Hongli Zhu, Dohun Kim, Dakang Ma, Yunlu Xu, Jeremy N. Munday, H. Dennis Drew, Michael S. Fuhrer & Liangbing Hu
Nature Communications, 5, 4224, (2014) PDF

The generalized Shockley-Queisser limit for nanostructured solar cells
Yunlu Xu, Tao Gong & Jeremy N. Munday
Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 13536 (2015) PDF

The effect of patch potentials in Casimir force measurements determined by heterodyne Kelvin probe force microscopy
Joseph L Garrett, David Somers, Jeremy N Munday
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 27, 214012 (2015) PDF

Surface/Interface Effects on High-Performance Thin-Film All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries
Chen Gong, Dmitry Ruzmetov, Alexander Pearse, Dakang Ma, Jeremy N. Munday, Gary Rubloff, A. Alec Talin, and Marina S. Leite
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7, 26007-26011 (2015) PDF

Rotation of a liquid crystal by the Casimir torque
David A. T. Somers and Jeremy N. Munday
Phys. Rev. A, 91, 032520 (2015) PDF

Quantitative measurement of radiation pressure on a microcantilever in ambient environment
Dakang Ma, Joseph L. Garrett and Jeremy N. Munday
Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, 091107 (2015) PDF

Nanoimaging of Open-Circuit Voltage in Photovoltaic Devices
Elizabeth M. Tennyson, Joseph L. Garrett, Jesse A. Frantz, Jason D. Myers, Robel Y. Bekele, Jasbinder S. Sanghera, Jeremy N. Munday, and Marina S. Leite
Adv. Energy Mater., 5, 1501142 (2015) PDF
![Materials for hot carrier plasmonics [Invited]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d832a10791b8a06dddc7b1f/1569031606710-460N2ZPU12RB8KMPXSUQ/TOC_image.jpg)
Materials for hot carrier plasmonics [Invited]
Tao Gong and Jeremy N. Munday
Optical Materials Express, 5, 2501-2512 (2015) PDF

Improving photovoltaic performance through radiative cooling in both terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments
Taqiyyah S. Safi and Jeremy N. Munday
Opt. Express 23 (19), A1120-A1128 (2015) PDF

Angle-Independent Hot Carrier Generation and Collection Using Transparent Conducting Oxides
Tao Gong and Jeremy N. Munday
Nano Lett., 15, 147–152 (2015) PDF

Advanced Broadband Antireflection Coatings Based on Cellulose Microfiber Paper
Dongheon Ha, Joseph Murray, Zhiqiang Fang, Liangbing Hu, and Jeremy N. Munday
IEEE J. of PV, 5, 577-583 (2015) PDF

Nanophotonic resonators for InP solar cells
Daniel A. Goldman, Joseph Murray, and Jeremy N. Munday
Opt. Express, 24, A925-A934 (2016) PDF

Mid-infrared time-resolved photoconduction in black phosphorus
Ryan J Suess, Edward Leong, Joseph L Garrett, Tong Zhou, Reza Salem, Jeremy N Munday, Thomas E Murphy, and Martin Mittendorff
2D Materials, 3, 041006 (2016) PDF

Fast, high-resolution surface potential measurements in air with heterodyne Kelvin probe force microscopy
Joseph L Garrett and Jeremy N Munday
Nanotechnology, 27, 245705 (2016) PDF

Experimental demonstration and modeling of the internal light scattering profile within solar cells due to random dielectric scatterers
Joseph Murray and Jeremy N. Munday
J. Appl. Phys., 119, 023104 (2016) PDF

Design concepts for hot carrier-based detectors and energy converters in the near ultraviolet and infrared
Tao Gong, Lisa Krayer, and Jeremy N Munday
Journal of Photonics for Energy, 6, 042510-042510 (2016) PDF