Opportunities and challenges involving repulsive Casimir forces in nanotechnology
Calum Shelden, Benjamin Spreng, and Jeremy N. Munday
Appl. Phys. Rev. 11, 041325 (2024) PDF

Thermoradiative Photovoltaics
Tristan Deppe and Jeremy N. Munday
Optics and Photonics News 35, 1047 (2024) PDF

Casimir repulsion with biased semiconductors
Benjamin Spreng, Calum Shelden, Tao Gong, and Jeremy N. Munday
Optica Quantum 2, 266 (2024) PDF

Photonics roadmap for ultra-high-temperature thermophotovoltaics
Mariama Rebello Sousa Dias, Tao Gong, Margaret A. Duncan, Stuart C. Ness, Scott J. McCormack, Marina S. Leite, and Jeremy N. Munday
Joule 7, 2209 (2023) PDF
Enhanced repulsive Casimir forces between gold and thin magnetodielectric plates
Calum Shelden, Benjamin Spreng, and Jeremy N. Munday
Phys. Rev. A 108, 032817 (2023) PDF

Broadband Superabsorber Operating at 1500 °C Using Dielectric Bilayers
Tao Gong, Margaret A. Duncan, Micah Karahadian, Marina S. Leite, and Jeremy N. Munday
ACS Appl. Opt. Mater.1, 1615-1619 (2023) PDF

Effect of Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes on the Casimir Interaction between Ultrathin Films
Tao Gong, Iñigo Liberal, Benjamin Spreng, Miguel Camacho, Nader Engheta, and Jeremy N. Munday
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 196901 (2023) PDF

Optical Tunability and Characterization of Mg–Al, Mg–Ti, and Mg–Ni Alloy Hydrides for Dynamic Color Switching Devices
Kevin J. Palm, Micah E. Karahadian, Marina S. Leite, and Jeremy N. Munday
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 1010-1020 (2023) PDF

Near-perfect (>99%) dual-band absorption in the visible using ultrathin semiconducting gratings
Tao Gong and Jeremy N. Munday
Opt. Express 30, 36500-36508 (2022) PDF

Radiative energy band gap of nanostructures coupled with quantum emitters around the epsilon-near-zero frequency
Tao Gong, Iñigo Liberal, Miguel Camacho, Benjamin Spreng, Nader Engheta, and Jeremy N. Munday
Physical Review B 106, 085422 (2022) PDF

Electrically switchable Casimir forces using transparent conductive oxides
Tao Gong, Benjamin Spreng, Miguel Camacho, Iñigo Liberal, Nader Engheta, and Jeremy N. Munday
Phys. Rev. A 106, 062824 (2022) PDF

Recent developments on the Casimir torque
Benjamin Spreng, Tao Gong and Jeremy N. Munday
International Journal of Modern Physics A 37, 2241011 (2022) PDF

Achieving Scalable Near-Zero-Index Materials
Kevin J. Palm, Tao Gong, Calum Shelden, Ece Deniz, Lisa J. Krayer, Marina S. Leite, and Jeremy N. Munday
Advanced Photonics Research 3, 2200109 (2022) PDF

Engineering Casimir interactions with epsilon-near-zero materials
Miguel Camacho, Tao Gong, Benjamin Spreng, Iñigo Liberal, Nader Engheta, and Jeremy N. Munday
Physical Review A 105, L061501 (2022) PDF

Highly switchable absorption in a metal hydride device using a near-zero-index substrate
Kevin J. Palm, Lisa J. Krayer, and Jeremy N. Munday
Optics Express 30, 21977-21989 (2022) PDF

Water-Induced and Wavelength-Dependent Light Absorption and Emission Dynamics in Triple-Cation Halide Perovskites
John M. Howard, Kevin J. Palm, Qiong Wang, Erica Lee, Antonio Abate, Jeremy N. Munday, and Marina S. Leite
Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100710 (2021) PDF

Photonic materials for interstellar solar sailing
Artur R. Davoyan, Jeremy N. Munday, Nelson Tabiryan, Grover A. Swartzlander Jr., and Les Johnson
Optica 8, 722-734 (2021) PDF

Recent progress in engineering the Casimir effect – applications to nanophotonics, nanomechanics, and chemistry
Tao Gong, Matthew R. Corrado, Ahmed R. Mahbub, Calum Shelden and Jeremy N. Munday
Nanophotonics 10, 523-536 (2021) PDF

Control of hot-carrier relaxation time in Au-Ag thin films through alloying
Sarvenaz Memarzadeh, Kevin J. Palm, Thomas E. Murphy, Marina S. Leite, and Jeremy N. Munday
Optics Express 28, 33528-33537 (2020) PDF

Emergent Opportunities with Metallic Alloys: From Material Design to Optical Devices
Tao Gong, Peifen Lyu, Kevin J. Palm, Sarvenaz Memarzadeh, Jeremy N. Munday, and Marina S. Leite
Advanced Optical Materials 8, 2070091 (2020) PDF