Collaborative work revisiting cold fusion published in Nature
The Munday group, in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, MIT, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Google, recently published a paper in Nature disclosing a multi-year effort to revisit cold fusion.
Our manuscript on the Casimir torque published in Nature
Our new paper in Nature describes how quantum fluctuations of electromagnetic fields give rise to a Casimir torque. This manuscript describes the first experimental observation of this phenomenon. There is an accompanying News & Views article as well as various reports in the media (e.g. Nature Podcast, PhysicsWorld, Phys.Org, Science Daily, UMD, etc.).
Munday interviewed on Nature Podcast
For the Dec 19th Nature Podcast: Quantum physics adds a twist and festive fun, reports interview Prof. Munday about their recent paper on the first measurement of the Casimir torque.
Jeremy gives invited talk at OSA’s Latin America Optics & Photonics Conference
Prof. Munday gives an invited presentation at OSA’s Latin America Optics & Photonics Conference. Thanks to Gustavo and Alexandre for the invitation!
Prof. Jeremy Munday receives DARPA Young Faculty Award
Associate Professor Jeremy Munday was selected by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to receive a Young Faculty Award for his research project entitled “Engineering the Quantum Vacuum.” This award will lead to an exciting expansion of the groups work on vacuum fluctuation phenomena. A press release can be found here.
Munday gives two invited talks at SPIE Optics + Photonics conference in San Diego
Associate Professor Jeremy Munday was selected by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to receive a Young Faculty Award for his research project entitled “Engineering the Quantum Vacuum.” This award will lead to an exciting expansion of the groups work on vacuum fluctuation phenomena. A press release can be found here.
Our paper on multiscale functional imaging is now published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Read Joe Garrett’s latest work using harmonic mixing to tune the resolution of KPFM in-situ at ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
New paper characterizing nanoscale reactions published and highlighted in media
Joe, Tarun, and Kevin’s latest paper has been published in Review of Scientific Instruments, and has been highlighted in AIP’s SciLight: Novel apparatus simultaneously and fully characterizes nanoscale reactions.
Munday gives two invited talks at PIERS 2018
Jeremy gives two talks at the PIERS conference in Toyama, Japan discussing: 1) the use of hot electrons and photon recycling in novel optoelectronic devices and 2) the group’s latest Casimir force experiments.
David Somers successfully defends his thesis on the Casimir torque
Congratulations to David!
Lisa and Tristan host lab tour for NSBE National Leadership Conference
Thanks to Lisa and Tristan for helping setup a lab tour for the National Society of Black Engineers National Leadership Conference at UMD this week and to Emily Irwin for setting it up.
Our work on engineered photon recycling appears on the cover of Advanced Optical Materials
From solar cells for power generation to microprocessors and laser pointers, semiconductor materials are a key ingredient in modern technology. However, the color of light that gets absorbed or emitted by these materials is usually fixed, placing limitations on their functionality. Now researchers in the group of Prof. Jeremy Munday, in collaboration with the groups of Prof. Marina Leite and Prof. Edo Waks, have found a way to circumvent this limitation through the use of controlled photon recycling, i.e.the process by which emitted photons are redirected back into the semiconductor to affect its electrical response. Using this effect, the authors demonstrate tunable diodes, improved solar cells, and actively controlled, gate-free current modulators. This work, entitled “Active control of photon recycling for tunable optoelectronic materials”, is featured as the cover article of Advance Optical Materials for April 5, 2018. A link to the ECE news story can be found here.
Lisa receives Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
Congratulations to Lisa Krayer, who has been awarded the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship.
Lisa’s paper on hot carrier photodetectors is featured on the cover of ACS Photonics
Graduate student Lisa Krayer’s paper on Near-IR Imaging Based on Hot Carrier Generation in Nanometer-Scale Optical Coatings is on the cover of the February issue of ACS Photonics. Congratulations, Lisa!
Sarvenaz receives Harry K. Wells Graduate Fellowship
Congratulations to Sarvenaz, who was selected for the 2018 Harry K. Wells Graduate Fellowship. More information can be found here.
Our measurement of the Casimir force between two spheres is published in PRL
Our latest work revealing the Casimir force between two spheres is published in Physical Review Letters and is featured in APS’s Physic Synopsis and at UMD in ECE, Engineering, and Physics. Congratulations to first author Joe Garrett!
Our Casimir force work is featured in Physics World
An article has been published in Physics World describing our upcoming paper on the Casimir force between two spheres.