Cole selected as Senior Marshal for UMD graduation
Congratulations to Cole for being selected as the Senior Marshal for his upcoming graduation. The Senior Marshal position has existed at UMD since 1991 to recognize students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to academics and distinctive campus and community leadership and service. Senior Marshals lead the student procession during Commencement, and represent each of the academic colleges and schools. Great job, Cole!
Prof. Munday gives invited talk at the 39th PIERS in Singapore
Prof. Munday gives a talk about the latest hot carrier work from the Munday lab at the 39th PIERS in Singapore. Thanks to Nanyang Technological University (NTU) for hosting the conference and Amit Agrawal and Cheng Zhang for the invitation!
Jeremy gives seminars at Caltech and UCLA
Thanks to Harry and Ben for their invitations to visit and give seminars. I had a great time at UCLA and Caltech.
Our latest work enhancing the Casimir torque is published in Physical Review Letters
Quantum fluctuations of electromagnetic waves can result in a torque between two optically anisotropic materials. In David’s recent paper (entitled “Casimir-Lifshitz Torque Enhancement by Retardation and Intervening Dielectrics”), we show that a full calculation of this phenomenon taking into account the finite speed of light shows that the torque is stronger than expected and can be increased further with a dielectric spacer layer between the objects. This paper can be found in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 183001 (2017), and a press release can be found here.
Munday lab participates in 2017 Conference for Undergraduate Underrepresented Minorities in Physics
Jeremy and Kevin show off the lab to undergraduates as part of the Conference for Undergraduate Underrepresented Minorities in Physics.
Lisa gives invited talk as ECS meeting
Lisa Krayer gives an invited talk entitled “Increasing the Bandwidth of Semiconductor Photodetectors through Hot Carrier Generation in Nanometer-Scale Optical Coatings” at the 232nd Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting.
Munday co-organizes National Academy of Engineering FOE session on “Energy strategies to power our future”
Munday participates in the National Academy of Engineering’s 2017 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium and co-organizes a session on “Energy strategies to power our future” with Katherine Dynes (NREL). Thanks to Tim Heidel, Bouchra Bouqata, Mariana Bertoni, and Khurram Afridi for excellent presentations!
Munday Receives 2017 Clark School Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award
Prof. Jeremy Munday (ECE/IREAP) was selected to receive the 2017 Clark School Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award.
This award is given to a faculty member at or below the rank of Associate Professor, in recognition of research impact and quality during the past 5 years. This award recognizes Jeremy’s research contributions in the fields of optics, photonics, nanosystems, and energy.
Lisa receives ECE Graduate Student Service Award
Congratulations to Lisa Krayer on being selected as the recipient of the 2016-2017 Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Student Service Award! This award is presented annually to a graduate student in recognition of exceptional service to the Department and to the University of Maryland.
Joe Garrett successfully defends his thesis on experimental observations of the Casimir force
Congratulations to the newest doctor – great defense Joe!
Munday gives invited talk on switchable solar sails at SPIE Optics + Photonics
As part of the Optical Systems for Deep Space Missions session at SPIE’s Optics + Photonics conference, Prof. Munday presents the group’s recent work on solar sail actuation using switchable optical materials.
New paper on the effect of lateral tip motion in KPFM published in APL
Joe’s latest work on KPFM describing the effect of lateral tip motion on the resolving power of multifrequency methods (including versions of KPFM) is published in Applied Physics Letters.
Invited talk on Optoelectronic Metasurfaces is presented by Prof. Munday at META’17
Prof. Munday presents the group’s latest work on using hot electrons in designer materials at META’17: The 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics in Incheon, Korea.
Munday gives invited talk at workshop on the Casimir force and optical tweezers at the Jussieu site of Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel
Thanks to Paulo Maia Neto and Serge Reynaud for the invitation and engaging conversations!
Munday gives seminar at Columbia University
This week Prof. Munday gives Applied Physics seminar at Columbia University. Thanks to Nanfang Yu for the invitation!
Munday gives talk at Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop
Prof. Munday gives talk at on solar sails at the Foundations of Interstellar Studies Workshop at City Tech, CUNY. Thanks to Elena, Kelvin, Roman, and Robert!
New video about our switchable solar window posted by UMD
The University of Maryland produces a video describing our switchable solar window which was published recently in ACS Photonics. Thanks for your work on the video, Gabe!
University President Loh highlights Munday Lab’s work in annual spring video
University of Maryland President Wallace Loh highlights the Munday Lab’s work on switchable solar smart windows in his spring video entitled “Turn Imagination into Innovation.” The video can be found here (see the 2:05 minute mark).
Munday at March for Science in DC
Beautiful to see the large outpouring of support for science in DC this weekend despite all the rain!
Jeremy gives seminar at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences discussing photon control and steering
Prof. Munday’s talk was entitled “Steering photons: from IR detectors and smart windows to space propulsion.” Thanks to Paul Kolb for the invitation and tour.