Prof. Munday is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure
Jeremy has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure by University of Maryland President Wallace Loh, effective July 1, 2017. An announcement from the department can be found here.
David’s new paper discusses repulsive Casimir forces between identical birefringent materials
Our latest work in Physical Review A shows how two identical materials can be repelled by the Casimir when a specific set of conditions are met. Good work, David!
New paper published showing nanoscale time-dynamics of perovskite solar cells
Congratulations to Joe and Beth for their paper in NanoLetters, where they image the time-dynamics of the open-circuit voltage of perovskite solar cells with nanoscale resolution. This work was a collaboration between our group, the Leite group, and the Huang group.
Update: Paper was promoted by the Clark School in a press release and picked up by .
Solar sail work featured on the cover of Advanced Optical Materials
Dakang’s work on electrically switchable solar sails is featured on the front cover of Advanced Optical Materials – Congratulations! The work was also highlighted in Advanced Science News in an article entitled “Travelling through Space with Solar Sails” and on the UMD ECE website.
Murray’s work on self-powered switchable solar windows featured on cover of ACS Photonics
Congratulations to Joe Murray, whose work is featured on the first issue of ACS Photonics of 2017!
Latest work on hot carriers and plasmonics is presented by Prof. Munday in an invited talk at the PQE conference
Thanks to Peter and Naomi for the invitation and for putting together excellent sessions at the 2017 Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics – PQE.
Dakang successfully defends his PhD thesis on radiation pressure measurements and switchable photonic devices
Congratulations to Dr. Ma, who successfully defended his thesis entitled, “Measurement of radiation pressure and tailored momentum transfer through switchable photonic devices.”
Munday gives invited talk at the 2016 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium
Jeremy presents an invited talk at the 2016 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS), which focuses on exploratory research in electronic and photonic materials and devices.
Jeremy gives invited talk at MRS about tunable photonic elements for solar
Prof. Munday gives a presentation entitled, “Tunable photonic elements for solar energy” at the Fall meeting of the Materials Research Society fall meeting in Boston, MA. The talk was part of Symposium Symposium NM4: Nanomaterials-Based Solar Energy Conversion and described the lab’s recent work on switchable materials for smart windows, solar sails, and tunable photon recycling.
Our work on self-powered solar smart windows featured in ACS pressroom
Joe Murray’s work on solar smart windows that can power themselves is published online in ACS Photonics and is featured in the ACS pressroom. Accompanying video shows device operation. Great job!
December update: Work was also picked up by Chemical and Engineering News.
Jeremy gives invited talk at the ACS meeting in Galveston, TX
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Galveston, TX. Thanks to Isabell Thomann for the invitation!
Joe Murray’s light trapping work on the Cover of the Journal of Applied Physics
The Oct 28th cover of the Journal of Applied Physics features Joe Murray’s work on a generalized approached to calculating scattering and absorption solar cells. The image is a true-color photograph take from his experimental setup that shows the specular and diffuse components of reflectivity inside a material upon reflection from random nanoscale dielectric scatterers. The wavelength dependence of the scattering is used to model the absorption within multilayer stacks. Great job, Joe!
Our microresonator PV work featured on Cover of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
The Oct. 12 issue of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces features our group’s work on microresonator coatings for PV on the front cover. A news story also appears on the UMD ECEwebsite and was issued a press release. Great job everyone!
Jeremy gives an invited talk at PRiME-ECS meeting
Jeremy presented a talk entitled “Green Solutions for Next Generation Photovoltaics: Using Wood, Glass, and Aluminum” for the session “Photovoltaics for the 21st century” at the PRiME, ECS (electrochemical society) meeting. Thanks to Jung-Yong Lee for organizing the session!
Jeremy delivers physics colloquium at UMBC
Jeremy gives the physics colloquium at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Country. Thanks to Matt Pelton for hosting me!
Jeremy gives seminar at UC Irvine
Thanks to Wilson Ho and everyone at CaSTL (Center for Chemistry at the Space-Time Limit) for a great visit!
Jeremy attends National Academy of Engineering workshop
Prof. Munday attends the Frontiers of Engineering workshop in Irvine, CA sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering.
Congratulations to Dr. Gong
Tao Gong successfully defends his thesis on Hot Carrier Plasmonics. Good job, Tao!
Invited talk discusses the interplay between simulations and experiments at PIERS 2016
Jeremy gives an invited talk at PIERS in Shanghai for the session “Optoelectronic simulation technologies for photoconversion devices.” Thanks to Zongfu Yu and Xiaofeng Li for the invitation!