Jeremy Munday Jeremy Munday

Dan defends Masters Thesis

Congratulations to Dan Goldman, who successfully defended his Masters thesis entitled Design of nanophotonic antireflection coatings for III-V thin-film photovoltaics. Good job, Dan!

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Munday Lab well-represented at APS March Meeting
Jeremy Munday Jeremy Munday

Munday Lab well-represented at APS March Meeting

With the APS March meeting in Baltimore this year, the Munday Lab is out in full force with presentations by nearly all group members. Here’s a brief breakdown of the presentation schedule (in order of appearance):
Monday: Lisa and Tao
Tuesday: Sean and Dakang
Wednesday: Dan, Dongheon, Taqiyyah, Yunlu, and Joe M.
Friday: Joe G. and David

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Munday wins NSF CAREER Award
Jeremy Munday Jeremy Munday

Munday wins NSF CAREER Award

Jeremy wins NSF CAREER award for project integrating research and education with the potential to improve the functionality of plasmonic devices while simultaneously increasing access to alternative energy education.

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Jeremy Munday Jeremy Munday

Collaborations with Leite lab featured on two Covers this week

Our recent work work with the Leite lab was featured on the covers of Advanced Energy Materialsand ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. The works separately discuss (1) a new method to resolve the open circuit voltage of solar cells on the nanoscale and (2) the stability of Al electrodes for an all-solid-state battery. The papers have also been highlighted online (in UMD Right Now and IREAP). Congratulations to all envolved!

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