Dongheon receives MRS poster award nomination
Dongheon gave two presentations and received a poster award nomination at the 2015 Fall Materials Research Society Conference. Good job!
Paper on SQ limit picked up by media
Our recent paper on the Shockley-Queisser limit for nanostructures was highlighted by and the Diamondback.
New paper published in Nature Publishing Group’s Scientific Reports
Yunlu and Tao’s new paper describing the Shockley-Queisser limit for nanostructured solar cells was published in Scientific Reports and is highlighted here. Great job!
Munday lab receives funding to study the Casimir torque
Thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation, the Munday Lab will begin experiments to measure a torque due to quantum fluctuations.
Munday Lab receives NASA funding for reflective control devices
The Munday Lab was selected as one of 8 partnerships funded through NASA’s 2015 Smallsat Technology Program. They will be developing reflective control devices for propellentless attitude control of solar sails.
Undergraduate Taqiyyah publishes paper in Optics Express
Taqiyyah is first author of a paper in a special issue of Optics Express on “Control of Radiative Processes for Energy Conversion and Harvesting.” Her paper is entitled, “Improving photovoltaic performance through radiative cooling in both terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments.” Great job, Taqiyyah!
Jeremy gives seminar for undergraduate researchers
As part of an NSF funded undergraduate research program at the University of Maryland’s Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, Jeremy presented a seminar describing the importance and excitement of undergraduate research to students participating the the TREND (Training and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics) program.
Jeremy co-organizes Session at IEEE PVSC
Jeremy co-organizes a session on Light Management in Photovoltaics for the IEEE Photovoltaics Specialist Conference in New Orleans. The session was part of Area 1: Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies. Thanks to Seth for inviting me join the team!
Jeremy gives invited talk at Photonics North
Thanks to Jacob Krich for the invitation and excellent program!
Jeremy gives seminars at the University of Ottawa and McGill University
Thanks to Jacob and the rest of the physics department in Ottawa and to Mi and the IEEE Photonics Society for their kind hospitality in Montreal.
Joe’s Casimir force paper on the cover of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
The June 2015 issue of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, is a special issue on Casimir Physics. Joe Garrett’s paper on the use of KPFM to determine artifacts in Casimir force measurements was chosen as an IOP Select article and was also featured on the cover of the issue. Congratulations!
Jeremy gives Earth Day seminar
As part of the University of Maryland’s Earth Day Celebration, Jeremy participated in the Clark School’s 2015 Sustainability Workshop on “Engineering Grid Resiliency for a Changing Climate.” Slides from his presentation, entitled “High Efficiency PV for Distributed Generation,” can be found here.
Dongheon receives the Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship and the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
Congratulations to Dongheon, who was selected to receive both the Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship and the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship. The Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship is award to only 10 students out of approximately 4,000 doctoral students pursuing studies at the University of Maryland.
Jeremy gives invited talk at Spring 2015 MRS meeting
Jeremy delivers an invited presentation at the Spring 2015 meeting of the Materials Research Society. Thanks to Joshua Caldwell, Stephane Larouche, and Gennady Shvets for an excellent symposium.
Lisa receives NSF graduate fellowship
Congratulations to Lisa Krayer, who is a recipient of the 2015 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Over 16,000 applications were received, and Lisa was one of only 12% selected to receive this prestigious award. Congratulations, Lisa!
Jeremy gives invited talk at TMS conference
Jeremy presented recent work from the group at the 2015 TMS meeting in Orlando, FL. Thanks to Jung-Kun Lee and Behrang Hamadani for the invitation!
2014 Most Accessed Article in Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Our paper entitled “Silver nanowire transparent conducting paper-based electrode with high optical haze” has been selected as a Most Accessed Article for 2014 and as such it has been included in the Most Accessed Articles 2014 web collection for the Journal which can be viewed here.
Joe Garrett selected for the Thomas Mason Interdisciplinary Physics Fellowship
Congratulations to Joe Garrett, who was selected for the summer Thomas Mason Interdisciplinary Physics Fellowship to work on a collaboration with the Leite lab. Great job, Joe!